Vacation Hairstyles

Miley Cyrus Hairstyles - Finding the Next Miley Cyrus

Every few years, Disney needs to find a new superstar to lead their brand image. Currently, Miley Cyrus holds that title but as she moves on to different things there is a new position opening up.

As Miley Cyrus finishes filming her latest movie we are reminded how she is growing out of her role as "Hannah Montana" and going on to bigger things. Miley Cyrus has been a huge success for Disney and has reaped millions of dollars for the company in merchandise, promotions and her ever-popular TV show. Unfortunately for Disney, every star has their shelf life and it seems that Cyrus is now getting ready to break her relationship with the creators of Mickey Mouse.

As Cyrus leaves, Disney is left to fill a huge gap. Right now Disney has a massive market share of the children's entertainment industry which they are not willing to give up without a fight. The race is now on for Disney to find the next big thing of the future.

Some commentators are already claiming that they have found it. Perez Hilton recently wrote an article saying that Bridgit Mendler is the next Miley Cyrus. Having only really acted in major roles in the past couple of years not many people are aware of this new star. Despite this, Disney has invited her to act in two of their hit shows "JONAS" and "Wizards of Waverly Place". On top of this, Bridgit has been given her own TV show due to air in 2010, "Good Luck Charlie".

In conclusion, it is never possible to say for sure who will be the next big Disney star. What can be said for sure is that Miley Cyrus is coming to a close and she will need a replacement.

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