Vacation Hairstyles

Blonde Hairstyles 7

When it comes to styling your hair, you might be surprised at a few of the tips that local hair stylists offer. Hair stylists often have a lot of tips that they keep to themselves because it often makes you come back. If hair stylists told all of their tips chances are you would no longer come in to get your hair done because you could manage to do most of it by yourself.

One thing that hair stylists do not really mention is properly blow drying your hair, although most will not hesitate to tell you about the danger of too much heat on your hair. When you are blow drying your hair the biggest mistake that you can make is brushing your hair too early. To properly style your hair you will want to use your fingers to comb out the tangles on your hair until you hair is almost dry, about 80% dry is the best. Once your hair reaches that point you can begin brushing it. Brushing it when it is too wet can cause damage to your hair because it can easily break while it is wet, make sure your fingers can easily glide though your wet hair before attempting to brush.

Deciding on bangs is something else that needs to be handled carefully, bangs can look great if they are done right. The one thing that you want to avoid doing with bangs, no matter what type of face you have is the thin bangs that are all one length because they can make your face appear boxy, but those bangs are also out of style. Instead, what you want to do is to go with a thick layer of bangs or some side-swept bangs. If you go with thick bangs make sure you get some wavy layers in your hair and add some highlights to those bangs. If you just want to do the long layers you want to use side-swept bangs, they blend right into your hair. Layering your bangs is nice because it allows you to grow your hair out without it looking too funny.

Hair color is something else that needs to be considered, you can also ask a stylist for help in regards to the best hair color for your skin tone. The two most popular colors are red and blonde. Women with an olive skin tone can wear any color in terms of hair color, while lighter and darker skinned women need to be more careful. If as a child you were blonde during the summer you have the perfect skin tone for going blonde as an adult, pinkish skin tones look best with red colored hair.

Blonde Hairstyles 7, Pada: 9:09 PM
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